Portel de les Creus --> Cap de Creus / 58.2 k / alt 1250 m / 14 hours 58
The night started perfectly. There had been a cool and moist breeze as I walked quietly down the mountain, heading straight for the ocean. I'd found out about 20 minutes after Should had turned to the left that I had been running downhill in the wrong direction (have a look at the map :)). That's when i backed up and soon after developed a rash between my thighs. Luckily I'd saved up some vaseline and put it to use. Soon after the headlamp broke down which made me tape it together with the power bank to my backpack. Now I had to look at the shadows from my moving arms for hours which eventually made me hallucinate.
Found a concrete block on the roadside at Llanca shortly before dawn and took a 16 minute nap. Felt perfectly fresh afterwords and enjoyed the final sunrise above port de Selva.
Got myself some fresh water and a lemonade in port de Selva for the final 15 k. Which turned out to be a delightful but soulcrushing experience. The trail showed itself from it's rugged side one more time and had some twists and turns built in. But the main hustle where the desertish conditions along the way. The water was gone soon and I'd dehydrated quickly as I slowly made my way to the lighthouse.
From there it was just another descent over razor sharp rock to the eastern monument of the gr 11. I'd tagged it, layed down for a moment and jumped into the mediterranean ocean for a rejuvenative swim.
Then I'd sat into the bar at the lighthouse and had a big coke, water, pineapplejuice, beer and another beer – relaxed after being on the run for 16 days 6 hours 59 minutes & 15 seconds.